Latest news and trends in social media marketing

Social Media

How Onsolve team can help businesses stay ahead of the game

Social media marketing continues to evolve everyday every year all the while adapting to changes in consumer behavior, technology advancements, and industry regulations. In this blog, we will explore some of the top social media marketing trends that are expected to dominate the industry in 2023.

1. Power to the Content Creators

The beautiful content and messaging that social media marketers spend so much time creating are most likely ignored by potential customers.

Why? because brands are biased and speak about their own goods or services.

However, because they are unbiased, someone who has utilized their product or service is more likely to be believed. Since there are no overt instances of financial affiliations and sponsorships, they at least give the impression of being objective.

71% of consumers still trust bloggers, vloggers, or social media stars who have had free product experiences, while 87% of consumers still believe reviews and recommendations from relatives and friends who have experienced the brand for free.

When planning a social media marketing strategy for your brand it is important to consider partnering with influencers, and other content creators as their reviews can hike up potential customer interest more than you’d think.

2. For a Successful Brand, Social Media Community Engagement is Crucial

Many businesses mistakenly believe that sharing content on social media is the only strategy that works. But that should just be 50% of the entire strategy.  Building community, or connecting and interacting with your audience, is what happens in the second part.

If you do not have a follower base that has low interaction rate with your posts, who is not aware about several brand milestones successes or show interest in your brand and product then they are the signs that you do not have an engaged community.

According to a survey done by social media marketers have said that building an active and engaging community online is a must for a successful social media plan in 2023.

one of the beautiful things about a focused and powerful community is that the most devoted and committed clients of a brand can be found there. These are the ride-or-dies, loyal clients who always buy and support the brand products first.

3.  Social Media Ads with a Narrowed Target Audience

Advertising on social media has always been difficult. But with so many limitations and modifications, creating a successful paid advertising campaign in 2023 will be more challenging.

This is significant since 54% of consumers find it irritating when they receive advertisements for products they have already purchased. Additionally, while broad targeting is beneficial for raising brand awareness, you must be mindful of your client’s budget, the oversaturated industry, and the state of the economy right now. This is why concentrating your efforts on retargeting prospects and finding a lookalike audience would be a good place to start.

Even though social media marketing can be challenging, it nevertheless has a significant impact on how well your clients’ products sell online.

4. Short-Videos have the Highest Engagement Rate in 2023

The favorite medium for learning about new products among Gen Z and Millennials is short-form video, with 57% of Gen Z and 42% of Millennials choosing this format. In terms of social media marketing, 54% of the marketers questioned said that this was their preferred format. Additionally, the greatest percentage of any format, 33% of social media marketers want to invest more in it than any other format.

Engaging social media videos are the way to go in 2023 if your clients want to succeed on social media and achieve the required results. The best method to approach and take advantage of this trend is to have a genuine discussion about it with them.

It is crucial to avoid following fashion trends blindly and experimenting with unusual sound clips only to appear hip when developing this technique.

5.  Instagram is The Platform with the Highest Growth in 2023

Based on number of surveys Instagram has ranked #1 for Return of Investment, quality leads and engagement among other social media platforms. According to social media marketers, Instagram algorithm is the most accurate which is important in spreading brand awareness and reach.

As a result, 52% of Instagram-using social media marketers intend to raise their expenditure in the year 2023. Additionally, 36% of those who are not yet use it intend to do so this year.

At OnSolve, we have team dedicated to assist your brand with Social Media Marketing. Our team is well versed with the emerging social media trends and has the creative ability to help you create the most engaging and eye-catching social media content to attract followers to your brand. On the other hand, our team can handle the entire social media content management from creating the social media post schedules, coordinating posting on multiple platforms, email marketing and much more.

With the support of OnSolve, your brand can be turned into a one that with a strong social media community.

Credit: HubSpot, Sendible

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