IT Solutions

OnSolve offers a   broad range of products, services, and technologies to our valued clients that organizations use to manage and optimize their information technology (IT) infrastructure and processes. The goal of IT solutions is to help businesses improve their efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness by leveraging technology.

Some common IT solutions we provide include:

  • Web Development – Our experienced IT team, handles web development including  creation, design, and upkeep of websites on behalf of our clients. The client can focus on their business operations and goals while we handle the technical requirements of creating and maintaining a website. Web development typically involves modern techniques and technology in order to create websites that are responsive, user-friendly, and optimized.
  • Software Solutions – When it comes to Software solutions , the technicians at OnSolve will go through a process of acting as the provider & hosting the program which makes it available to consumers online. Using software services eliminates the requirement for clients to install and execute the program on their own computers or servers because our team acts as the  provider controlling the underlying infrastructure and technology.
  • Web hosting – By including Web hosting as one of our IT solutions we enable people or organizations to host their websites on the Internet. OnSolve IT team  will oversee our clients’   server infrastructure and make sure that users can access the website over the Internet. Web hosting services come in a variety of forms, including shared, dedicated, virtual private server (VPS), cloud, and more.
  • IT Security solutions – Our expert IT team will make sure to offer layered protection from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification or destruction of data, while protecting businesses’ IT infrastructure from cyber attacks & security breaches . This will include firewall setups, data encryption and backup and recovery solutions.
  • E-commerce Solutions – At OnSolve we offer, E-commerce solutions which are software applications or platforms that enable businesses to manage and sell products and services online. Our E-commerce solutions typically include a range of tools and features to help businesses create and manage an online store, process payments, fulfill orders, and handle customer data. These solutions include:
    • Website building and hosting
    • Shopping cart and checkout
    • Inventory management
    • Payment processing

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