NDIS related services provided by OnSolve

General,NDIS Related Services

If you’re an NDIS service provider and find yourself buried under a mountain of administrative tasks, you’re not alone. Managing the administrative side of your practice can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and often takes away from the valuable time you could spend directly supporting your clients. If you’ve ever dreamed of offloading some of your NDIS admin responsibilities or outsourcing them to a remote administrative assistant, you’re in the right place. We understand the challenges you face, and that’s why we’re here to help.

We at OnSolve specialize in offering comprehensive outsourced admin support to NDIS service providers or companies. Our dedicated team is well-versed in the intricacies of NDIS administration and can handle a wide range of tasks, allowing you to focus on what you do best: providing exceptional care and support to individuals with disabilities. In this blog, we’ll explore the various NDIS related services we handle on behalf of the NDIS service providers and delve into the various tasks that can be taken off your plate.

Financial Management:  

Our finance team at OnSolve,helps companies by maintaining accurate financial records, adhering to NDIS financial regulations, and ensuring companies maintain accurate financial records by adhering to NDIS financial regulations. Some services provided are: Bookkeeping, Budgeting, Financial reporting, Payroll management and tax compliance.

Administrative Support:

As administrative support is an important aspect of ensuring the smooth functioning of operations for companies operating under the National Disability Insurance Scheme, we offer administrative assistance to help companies streamline their operations and provide efficient and effective support services to participants. Some of the services provided are: Documentation handling, Managing and keeping records of NDIS Plans, coordinating appointments, Client handling, Handling & coordinating with Plan managers. (It is important to note that while we handle various aspects of client management, we do not handle or have access to client’s personal details).

Compliance & Quality Assurance:

Compliance and quality assurance are crucial for companies operating under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to meet specific compliance and regulatory requirements. Here are the services provided by us in this area and thereby maintaining regulatory compliance, avoiding penalties or fines, and ensuring the quality and integrity of the service provider’s services. :

  • Assistance with maintaining required regulatory records for NDIS, Australian taxation office and other documents as requested by the company.
  • Providing regular updates on current NDIS regulations and staying compliance with relevant laws.
  • Providing assistance in submitting required reports.
  • Providing assistance in monitoring and conducting audits to ensure proper NDIS compliance.

Marketing & Communication:

Assisting companies with marketing and communication is essential for promoting the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and reaching out to potential participants and stakeholders. Here are the services we provide in this area: Developing marketing strategies, Manage social media accounts, and creating social media Content.

IT Support & Solutions:

By offering IT support and solutions, we aim to help companies in the NDIS sector maintain a secure and reliable IT infrastructure, safeguard sensitive information, and ensure smooth and efficient operations. Some IT services provided by us are: System Maintenance, Data management, Software updates, Technical troubleshooting, Cyber security measures.

Outsourcing to a company that already understands the NDIS, can greatly reduce the work you need to do in handling over, as well as provide you with confidence to know your tasks are in experienced hands. We at OnSolve, aim is to assist companies operating in the NDIS sector demonstrate our commitment to helping them navigate the complexities of the scheme, ultimately contributing to the overall improvement of services for individuals with disabilities across Australia.  

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General,NDIS Related Services
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